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Stoves range cookers

For over a century, Stoves has been a respected culinary brand, known for innovative and desirable cooking appliances. Whether you opt for one of the core models or an enhanced Deluxe version, the genuinely impressive feature list and robust build quality stand out. Each Stoves range cooker also includes a three-year parts and labor warranty.

Results for Range Cookers (price includes VAT and FREE standard delivery)...

Stoves Richmond 90DF

Richmond 90DF

Dual Fuel


+ cashback

Stoves Richmond Deluxe 90DF

Richmond Deluxe 90DF

Dual Fuel


+ cashback

Stoves Richmond 90EI Induction

Richmond 90EI Induction

Electric Induction


+ cashback

Stoves Richmond Deluxe 90EI Induction

Richmond Deluxe 90EI Induction

Electric Induction


+ cashback