The Leisure chimney cooker hood is designed to make a statement, with this 90cm model sure to transform your kitchen.
Suitable for both extraction and recirculation, this hood offers flexible installation options to meet your kitchen needs and keep it clean and hygienic. The hood features push button controls for straightforward operation, with a maximum extraction rate of 642 cubic metres of air per hour, making it perfect for medium sized kitchens.
It is really easy to keep this hood clean, with washable grease filters, and, to help create the perfect ambience within your home, the two energy-efficient LED lights will illuminate your cooking below perfectly.
For over 140 years, Leisure range cookers have been the heart of many homes. Creating appliances that help families keep up with the demands of modern living, Leisure ensures that every range cooker produced has the highest quality and performance. Designed to complement any kitchen, they offer both contemporary and traditional styles, in a collection of sizes, fuel types and colours.
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