Lacanche Black Burner Cap - 5kW

Key Features:

Delivery Lead Time

Typical delivery up to 12 weeks for 100cm and below, or 26 weeks for 110cm and above. Call us to check your particular choice. The home delivery team will contact you promptly to arrange a convenient day and, where possible, time slot. Lacanche range cookers are delivered by a specialist delivery crew who will unpack your cooker for you to inspect.
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Standard Warranty

All Lacanche appliances are covered by a 3 years parts and labour guarantee.

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Colour: Black

As an alternative to the brass of the standard burners, these cast iron caps are coated in a matt finish high-temperature enamel.


They simply sit on top of the burner and act as a cover. These particular caps are suitable for 5kW burners and are 107mm in diameter.

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