The Fisher & Paykel Contemporary style brings a timeless aesthetic, featuring clean lines and tonal contrasts.
Designed to be the cornerstone of any kitchen, this 60cm combination steam oven is engineered for the home chef. Cooking with steam creates dishes that are full of flavour, whilst preserving all vitamins, textures and nutrients of the most delicate ingredients. Use five steam-only cooking functions, including Sous vide, Steam and Steam Proof, you can use steam to create healthier dishes.
This is a true multifunction oven, where both steam-only and convection-only cooking can be used on their own. The combination steam cooking option uses a fusion of dry convection heat with variable amounts of steam, allowing you to easily retain the texture of ingredients such as salmon or the depth of flavour of a perfect cut of meat. There are 18 oven functions for you to choose from, including Steam, Air Fry and Vent Bake.
Originating from New Zealand, Fisher & Paykel has built a reputation for blending sophisticated design with cutting-edge technology, making everyday life more comfortable and efficient.
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