Faber Talika A80 Finishes

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Colour: Cross Titanium

This wall mounted hood is completely vertical, as the Nautilus motor design allows the hood to be completely compact in depth. This unique motor design removes the need for a traditional angled design.


The Nautilus motor has been designed to provide the optimum dynamics for powerful extraction, with the spiral shape increasing extraction pressure for maximum efficiency. This hood offers three speeds, plus an intensive function, available via sleek touch controls or the optional remove control unit.


Alongside all this is the addition of Perimeter Aspiration, which uses the Venturi effect to give 25% less perceived noise, coupled with Double Aspiration using overlapping glass panels to provide a pleasing illusion of floating materials and creating greater extraction power with two extraction points.


Faber were the original inventors of cooker hoods over 60 years ago, meaning they truly are experts when it comes to the technology and efficiency of air movement. Couple this with a super flair for design and innovation and you get some very high-quality and reliable extraction appliances, as you would expect from this world-renowned brand.


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