Creda Contemporary 60 C60DFDO

Key Features:

Delivery Lead Time

Typical delivery within 5–7 days. The Creda home delivery team will contact you promptly to arrange a convenient delivery date.
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Standard Warranty

All Creda cooking appliances are covered by a 1 year parts and labour warranty.

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Colour: Stainless Steel

Creda is a historic appliance manufacturer, starting life back in 1919. Producing washing machines, tumble dryers, range cookers, hobs and even microwaves in the UK, this brand once commanded 40% of the English electric consumers goods market…and now they’re back!

This dual fuel freestanding double oven cooker comes with a 30 ltr top cavity conventional oven and grill, a 64 ltr bottom cavity true fan oven, a 4 ring gas hob with cast iron pan supports and back to black glass which obscures the inside of the cavities until the internal lights are activated

Creda is all about family values, now more than ever. Generations have grown up using Creda appliances, with many changes happening over the years but its true values and the philosophy of delivering quality innovating products remain throughout.

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